Junior Youth Spiritual Empowerment Program
(Ages 11-15)
Developing Soul and Mind
The goal of this program is to help children between the ages of 11-15 to develop the powers of the soul and mind to help them overcome negative societal influences and channel their growing sense of purpose into becoming contributors to building a new and better society.
Critical Period of Growth
Children between the ages of 11-15 (“junior youth”) are experiencing rapid physical, intellectual, and emotional changes. Their spiritual powers expand.
During this short and critical three-year period, ideas about the individual and society that may very well shape the rest of their lives are formed.
Constructing a Better World
Prevalent views of children at this stage of their development see them as full of confusion and crises, likely to fall into negative behaviors.
A more accurate understanding is that children at this age have an acute sense of justice, an eagerness to learn, and a desire to contribute to the construction of a better world.